Thursday, January 27, 2011


I'M WiFi-ing IT at the public library (who knew?). I usually go to Starbucks or Panera Bread & end up spending money for coffee/food but now that I know I can come to the CPL & take advantage of their WiFi (and save money), I'll be here more often.

HAD A PRETTY productive day, happy to say, including:
  • Applied to two jobs
  • Received response to volunteer request (to start 2/4/11)
  • Submitted a query & 50 pgs of ITPIHOY manuscript to literary agency
  • Prepared query letter & manuscript of ITPIHOY to university press (to be sent via snail mail - REALLY?)
  • FB'd w/two authors about publishing industry
  • Finished blog post (3rd one in one month!)

Wi-Fi at CPL = free

Accomplishing goals = PRICELESS!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


My grandnephew (ask him if I hate kids)

SO I'M WORKING on a couple of children's books. Those who know me (or think they know me) are probably cocking an eyebrow, doing a double-take, or saying "DOH!" "But you hate kids!" someone said when I told him of my latest project. I don't know how that rumor got started but let me clarify things: I. Do. NOT. Hate. Kids. Just because I don't like to hear them whine & cry -- does not mean I hate kids. Just because I don't like when they misbehave and throw tantrums in public places -- does not mean I hate kids. Just because I hold someone's child for a little bit -- until it starts to cry -- does not mean I hate kids. Just because I tell my daughter I'm not going to babysit her child (when she has one) while she goes out partying -- does not mean I hate kids. I like kids.

SO NOW THAT I've clarified matters...I've always wanted to write a children's book. I started one about a year ago, about a girl who complains about everything in her life until her grandmother tells her about her impoverished childhood and makes her thankful for what she has. I never finished it.

A COUPLE OF days ago, my sister, who is a teacher and budding children's author, sent me a link ( about a writing contest. So it got my creative juices going. We met at Panera's & did some brainstorming. A few years ago, she had started a children's book about a girl who lost her Gulf-War-soldier mother. I started writing another girl/grandma book called "Zariah's Room" about a girl who loves her bedroom -- until she has to share it with her grandmother who comes to stay with her family. Then I got another idea for another book, about a boy who is going to his great-great-grandmother's 100th birthday entitled: "Great-great-Grandma's 100 Today!" I'm dedicating it to my future yet-to-born grandchildren.

I HAVE TO keep myself busy to keep from going crazy and unemployed. I can't believe this is Week 7. All I need to do is write the new Harry-Potter-Twilight and I'm set.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


THEY SAY NO news is good news. Whoever said that probably never sent out a manuscript of a novel that took 6 years initially to write, was summarily rejected by several publishers, before being revised for another 10 years.

SO AS I wait to hear from the publishers, I try to busy myself with finding a new job after being "laid off" 2 weeks before Christmas (I am still unable to write about this without negativity so I won't). Job searching is a tedious, tedious job in itself. Even though the internet has made it easier (I can't even imagine hitting the pavement, going to different companies to fill out applications), it's still an exhausting process -- creating a username/password for every organization/company, copying/pasting my resume (which I have to revise for every job depending on the position), cover letter/letter of interest/letter of intent, then filling out the application portion.

ACCORDING TO ONE literary agent, a writer should never be "waiting", but "writing" and "submitting." So I should be working on my third novel while submitting the second novel to other publishers and agents. One thing about not having a job, you have no structure. And for a procrastinator, no structure is lethal.
IN THE MEANTIME, I've been doing some readings. The photo above is from a reading at Ponce @Nite, a monthly open-mic at Ponce Restaurant (
I've also read at Proyecto Latina ( where readings are currently held at Cafe Cathedral (which has a delicious strawberry-banana-mango smoothie). Both venues feature some awesome authors, poets, and performers which make me proud to be Latina.