Monday, February 13, 2006


New Reviews
Choose Me is a moving debut novel by Xenia Ruiz. One of the things that makes this novel shine is the diverse background of the two main characters. Eva is Afro-Latino and Adam is African-American but it is not the main focus of this story. Ruiz showed great vision by showing how difficult choosing celibacy can be for someone who was once a sexually active adult. Choose Me is not a quick read, but that’s what good about this novel. This story is told in a gradual, unhurried fashion that gives you time to appreciate the deep love that develops between Eva and Adam. Choose Me is beautiful and poetic, and Xenia Ruiz has the knack for telling a refreshing, emotional story that will hopefully be the start to a long career.
Radiah Hubbert of

One can’t say enough about Choose Me and the two lives that this author created so she could tell a story about having faith in God when the chips are down. Xenia Ruiz is a gifted writer and I hope to read more by her. She did a great job taking the reader into the lives of these fictional characters, making them real enough that one will clearly relate to them as if they were real in-the-flesh people. Highly recommended.
Curled Up With A Good Book

[Choose Me is] a good mixing of spiritual beliefs and day-to-day issues. I enjoyed the way Ms. Ruiz handled God, spirituality and celibacy.
Cheryl Robinson "Just About Books Radio Talk Show Host"

Readers’ Comments
I started to read Choose Me on Saturday. And since I couldn't put it down till late last night, I almost didn't get up this morning (Monday). I must say I am totally impressed; it is well worth the cost of the book. You are an accomplished author. I congratulate you.
B. Moreno

I want to let you know I finally finished Choose Me last night. It has taken me a while because I only get a chance to read it on the Metra (train). I haven't read a book in a long time because of my hectic schedule but I love your book! Wow!! Sometimes I get embarrassed because I literally start laughing out loud. I was so embarrassed the other day on the train because everyone was staring at me when I started to cry; I couldn't help it. I cried, I laughed and I prayed the whole time. I find myself telling everyone about it. How much of the book it true? Is there really an Adam? When does your next one come out? I hope it’s soon.
S. Carrera

* Named Top 25 Books by Christian Fiction Blog


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